I sit in my office today, a little frustrated... Not terribly, but just a little. I sit here and listen as across the hall from my office our preschool practices for their Christmas program. Such wonderful little ones! They have a joy and excitement within them that is just amazing!
I listen as they chant, "Baby Jesus we love you!" at the top of their lungs. They smile and laugh. They are truly excited by this time of year... And yet, we adults run about charging and spending. We worry about getting the "right gift" for this or that person. I see this in our youth. They have been infected by our materialism and narcism. We have made Christmas about us. We seldom, if ever, focus on the true meaning of this season.
I believe God longs for us to focus on the true message of the incarnation: God, in His wonderful love and mercy chose to step down into what Brennan Manning calls "an earthsuit", He walked among us not because He needed us but because He loved us so very much. He wanted us to spend our lives now and forever with Him. If we could just remember that wonderful fact, what joy and peace we would experience!