OK, so I may be a littled jaded and frustrated... I openly admit that. But when did we exchange the facts about the Christmas season with the myths and misinformation?
Last night I did a survey of our youth... I admit to having trick questions, intended to garner specific responses, but I believe that what we truly believe with be most likely to come out of our mouths first... We all think we know how many wise men were there at the birth of Christ... But they weren't there and we don't know how many there were! (Sure, that sounds like a little thing, but we really need to focus on the facts.) Why do we think we need to embellish this wonderful story? What makes us think that we know what God should have said? What makes us think that our guesses about what happened add anything to the truth?
I know... Most of you think, "This guy is making something out of nothing." Maybe I am... Maybe I am tired... But is it possible that what we have done to this holiday might grieve God? Is it possible that God weeps as He looks down and sees our materiaism? Do you think that God looks at what we have made of Saint Nicholas (The real guy in Turkey hundreds of years ago) and gets frustrated?
We have two young boys... They are the sweetest, most loving and giving children I know.... And yet, they are transformed during the month of December... They change from these sweet, giving boys to something very unfamiliar... They worry about what they are getting... They get upset (like we all do) if they don't get what they want...
Sure, they are young... We have all been there and I know I can't expect them to be as mature as we should expect adults to be... But aren't we teaching them the wrong things? Shouldn't we be teaching them that this is about giving, not getting? After all, this holiday celebrates the God of all Creation giving us a second chance... (Actually, much more than just a second chance) It celebrates His giving of Himself... His gift of salavation wrapped in cloths laying in a manger... It celebrates the hope that only He can give.
I don't know if anyone will read this... But if you got this far, let me encourage you to find the true spirit of the Christmas season this year... Go back to the stable in Bethlehem... Go back to when God took action to save us from ourselves... Celebrate His hope... Celebrate His love for us!